Expectations of Membership
Sanford-Springvale Rotary Club Member Expectations
$50 per quarter ($200 per year) covers Rotary International and District 7780 dues, and our club’s dues. Other costs may include weekly Happy Dollars, support of club fundraisers and other special club events.
$50 per quarter ($200 per year) covers Rotary International and District 7780 dues, and our club’s dues. Other costs may include weekly Happy Dollars, support of club fundraisers and other special club events.
It is strongly encouraged, but not required, that members participate in “Every Rotarian, Every Year” by donating some amount per year to the Rotary Foundation.
It is expected that members will attend or make-up for 50% of the Club’s meetings, which means 25 meetings, since the Club averages about 50 meetings per year. Make-up credit is given for participation in Club Service Projects, attending meetings of the Club Board of Directors, and attendance or participation in District activities, as well as make-ups at other Clubs. In addition, a member can make-up by participating in an online session on the Rotary International website.
It is expected that every member will:
- work a 5-hour shift at the Acton Fair in late August selling chicken livers;
- support the Golf Tournament by being or obtaining a hole sponsorship ($250) or forming a team to play ($90 per person) or volunteering at Sanford Country Club on the day of the Tournament;
- participate in some of the Club Service Projects such as Salvation Army bell ringing, Literacy activities, Christmas Angels and others.
At least once a year:
At least once a year:
- be a greeter
- arrange for a speaker
Within your first year of membership make your classification talk to the Club.
Revised September 2020